Saxena, Shipra, Neetesh Gupta and Rakesh K Bhujade. "Utility of GIS Application in Warehousing and Data Mining". IJECCE 1.1 (2011): 10-15.[More]
Kurmi, Rishabh Singh et al. "Implementation of an AMBA Advanced High Performance Bus protocol IP block". IJECCE 1.1 (2011): 5 - 9.[More]
Gupta, Shradha, Neetesh Gupta and Shiv K Sahu. "Object Based Video Retrieval Using SIFT". IJECCE 1.1 (2011): 1 - 4.[More]
Garg, Amit and Sanjai Kumar Agarwal. "Modeling and Simulation of Static Var Compensator for Improvement of Voltage Stability in Power System". IJECCE 2.2 (2011): 202-204.[More]
Singhal, Shweta, Dr. Sachin Kumar and Manish Gupta. "A New Steganography Technique Based on Amendment in Blue Factor". IJECCE 2.1 (2011): 52-56.[More]