Steady-State Harmonic Analysis of Phase Shift Oscillators
John Taylor
This paper describes an improved method for calculating the steady-state oscillation frequency and fundamental and harmonic amplitudes of phase shift oscillators (transient behaviour is not considered). The method is quite general and although the examples described in the paper relate to oscillators with RC phase shift networks, the principles apply equally to LCR-based oscillators. The method described proposes a novel extension to the method of harmonic balance that includes harmonics in the main feedback loop in addition to the fundamental. This is significant because it allows a more accurate calculation of the oscillation frequency, fundamental and harmonic amplitudes in oscillators with higher signal levels, less selective phase shift networks and/or higher levels of nonlinearity than is possible with existing methods. This development leads to a more effective design process and hence simpler, more economic circuits. New closed form expressions for the main design parameters are presented.